With your permission, please

I am going to publish on this blog everything that comes to me via internet, regular mail or mouth to mouth. I may use a picture or a post that the original author will not like me to publish, please, I ask you respectfully, take it out, erase it or tell me inmediately to do so, I will do it without questions or delay. It is not my intention to ubduct any material from anybody, I simply wish to tell the world of the atrocities against children, my purpose is to open the eyes of many to that situation. As I am not able to take my own pictures on the matter for obvious reasons, I borrow everybody elses. So you will see pictures and articles taken from Google, sent to me by email or taken out from a newspaper.

A blog to make humans be "humans" and face the fact that our children throughout the planet are been abused, slaved, killed, and terroriced every day with impunity under the eyes of millions.

Hey you! give me my smile back

Hey you! give me my smile back

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Crumbs, crumbs, delicious

! I beg you, please throw more crumbs on the floor, I am hungry!
Does this image disturb you? Good.....good.....very good. Would you like to do something about it? More than good. Publish this photo every day, everywhere, to everyone, talk about it. And please, if you see something like it in your neighborhood, sweep the crumbs away and DO SOMETHING. Easy, isn't it? One child a day will take at least a million days, but if you know your friends are doing the same, and your family is doing the same, how many humgry children will be in your town next year?

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