With your permission, please

I am going to publish on this blog everything that comes to me via internet, regular mail or mouth to mouth. I may use a picture or a post that the original author will not like me to publish, please, I ask you respectfully, take it out, erase it or tell me inmediately to do so, I will do it without questions or delay. It is not my intention to ubduct any material from anybody, I simply wish to tell the world of the atrocities against children, my purpose is to open the eyes of many to that situation. As I am not able to take my own pictures on the matter for obvious reasons, I borrow everybody elses. So you will see pictures and articles taken from Google, sent to me by email or taken out from a newspaper.

A blog to make humans be "humans" and face the fact that our children throughout the planet are been abused, slaved, killed, and terroriced every day with impunity under the eyes of millions.

Hey you! give me my smile back

Hey you! give me my smile back

Monday, October 27, 2008

Where is the future of humanity?

It is allways said that children are the future, if we believe that, we can be sure our future will be terrible, children of today will be men full of hatred, of disdein, of greed, and many will not even make it to manhood. Am I exagerating? am I a prophet of chaos? no, my friends, if we do nothing about the situation of most of our children right now, my words will be nothing compared to what the real situation will be.
I'm starting this blog with tears in my eyes but with hope in my heart, because, even though I can not do important things to ease the abuse of our children, I hope with all my heart that every single person that can read this words would be touched and agree to tell the world once and again what is happening in front of our eyes. Will an international institution do something about this? will a government of any country put their hearts on it?
There are ONGs all over the world, yes, but they are outnumbered by people who do not care.
There are thousands of volunteers working in terrible conditions. Many rich people colaborate with the needed even go the extremes of adopting orphans from the poorest comunities. Nothing is sufficient if the whole world does not open their eyes once and for all and do the real and big "Thing" to solve the problem.
I have some documents and photos of children that are not only poor, children abused by adults, slaved by their governments. This children survive with so much suffering, without any hope, lost to the rest of the world, with nobody to lend a hand.
No matter the nationality, the language, the age, the religion, the only must to be able to help is to have a heart, to love, to know how to feel sadness and cry for all these children and take it as a personal task to do the least we can do, show it everyday, talk about it every second, tell the world, yell to the world every day, every minute, without tiring, not stoping, so with luck maybe the powerful who can do something important will take the flag in their hands and do something before next century, the century which might be a chaos with the word "failure" instead of "present" and no "future" on their vocabulary.

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